Just Start Your Goals !

Hasan Ahmed
2 min readApr 3, 2021


One of my life goal is to become a successful Entrepreneur. To become an entrepreneur is not an easy task. You have to take calculated risks on daily basis in order to keep on learning and growing. My mind is always surrounded by a bunch of ideas that I feel can be worked on to make the society better and sustainable.

A sustainable society leads to a healthier and mindful people and leaders are born daily when they are exposed to such environment. I have started working on one of the projects to make the society sustainable by means of education as a first step. Since the concept of getting attached to books in young generation is dying and use of mobile phone is has damaged us a lot. I have come up with a mission to revive the use of books in young little minds. My startup is all about customized books for young children age ranging from 2–8 years. This book is for inclusive (both normal and special) children. These books will build up the relationship with children in a creative way.

This is the very first book that was launched recently.

Below are the link of my pages.


The books are designed with the help of Associate Clinical Psychologist Dania Mufasir. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/dania-mufasir-b720a211a/)

Now, the immediate 3 tasks that I’ll be performing in 3 weeks time are

  1. Design a beautiful and attractive logo that will reflect the purpose of this work. (This week)
  2. Make a tag line for my company.
  3. Spread awareness about the importance of education in children (both normal and special).



Hasan Ahmed

I'm a Mechanical Engineering Student who is passionate to learn and grow continuously and impact the lives of people with positivity.