Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro!

Hasan Ahmed
3 min readApr 17, 2021


You must be confused after reading the title of today’s blog. Don’t Worry! This blog contains a chunk of tips that will make you a pro time saver.

Figure 1 An Hour Glass

I’ll use my routine as an example to show you how I got rid of procrastination (Frog) that keeps me away from the responsibilities and my desire of being the Most Valuable Team Player in society.

I used to get distracted with every single change around me, whenever a bee moves around, looking at the decoration pieces, Someone walks by my side, a random voice that I hear loses my interest. Mobile phones and daydreaming added more spices to this problem leaving me with guilt and regret.

Source Google: The Procrastination Cycle

Doing 3 project works of Amal Academy with procrastination was not that easy. Thanks to Amal they introduced an online course on Productivity and Time Management this week. I quickly attended the course and took part in reflection questions which I think is one of the best learning experiences to date. I don’t want to leave you with suspense, so quickly get towards what was the course that makes you a Time saver.

The Pomodoro Technique

“The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. Each interval is known as a Pomodoro, from the Italian word for ‘tomato’, after the tomato-shaped kitchen timer that Cirillo used as a university student.” Source Wikipedia.

5 Steps that make you a Pro time saver.

After going through the course I decided to instantly Amal on what learned. I set my timer to 4 cycles each of 25 minutes and quickly started course 2 by Amal Academy Creating a #superhero resume that stands out.

Following were the distractions I faced while practicing Pomodoro:

  1. My inside trying to convince me to check WhatsApp/Instagram/Facebook statuses.
  2. My brother asking me about cricket insights.
  3. Drilling work in neighborhood apartment.
  4. Thoughts of other pending tasks.
Source Google

I knew it was not an easy task to practice this technique. So, I googled “Tips to avoid Distraction” and made myself prepared before starting the course. I find this strategy very effective. This image is an example of how you can avoid distractions around. You can find more information about avoiding distractions online.

So, next time you start working on a project, don’t forget to eat the frog distracting you. Otherwise, it will eat you ;)



Hasan Ahmed

I'm a Mechanical Engineering Student who is passionate to learn and grow continuously and impact the lives of people with positivity.